Mystic Bloom Glass Teapot Set
Mystic Bloom Glass Teapot Set
In ancient Fujian, nestled among the cloud-enshrouded Wuyi Mountains, there existed a secluded temple known as the Sanctuary of the Whispering Leaves. It was here that the art of tea leaf divination, or "Yè Yǔn," (葉運) was said to have been perfected by the temple's oracles. These oracles believed that the soul of the earth was infused in the tea leaves, and when steeped, they could unveil the mysteries of the cosmos and the fates of those who sought their wisdom. The Mystic Bloom Glass Teapot, a revered artifact of the Sanctuary, was crafted from the crystal-clear waters of the sacred Nine Bend River, infused with moonlight and tempered with the breath of the mountain dragons. This teapot was not only a vessel for brewing tea but also a window into the unseen, its transparent walls allowing the oracles to read the unfolding stories within. |